Frequently asked Questions:
SWIPE card game and SWIPE rules

  1. Is the SWIPE card a “wild card”? Can it be used to match any other card(s) to make a “4 of a kind?
    • NO – There are no “wild cards in SWIPE”. A SWIPE 0 (zero) card has the lowest value of all cards in the SWIPE deck. A SWIPE card is equivalent to playing 4 cards of 0 (zero) value – a “four of a kind” – giving the player another turn.
  2. How can I buy a SWIPE Game Box?
    • SWIPE card game boxes can be ordered from our website shop – or purchased on by the end of April 2024 and on by the end of May 2024. If you are interested in purchasing a single or multiple games and you would like to avoid shipping fees and arrange local collection or delivery – please email us using our Contact form.
  3. What is the origin of SWIPE by
    • In 2018, during a Rocky Mountain camping trip, we were introduced to a card game, using 3 old card decks, called Swipe – probably of old European origin. Since that time, multiple versions of the SWIPE game box contents and rules have been produced and tested – culminating in the final version of the game box and SWIPE card game rules by
  4. How is SWIPE played?
    • Each player starts with 20 cards – 8 on the table and 12 in their hands. The goal is to be the first player to play all their cards – players with un-played cards are assessed penalty points. Players strive to play card(s) that are lower or equal in value compared to the card(s) played by the previous player. Making a “4 of a kind” and playing a SWIPE card are important aspects of the game. Definitive SWIPE Rules can be found on How to Play card in the game box and also also by selecting How to Play pdf under the Help menu.
  5. Why can new SWIPE cards be difficult to “wash” and also seem to slide across the table when playing?
    • SWIPE cards are smooth and extremely durable while only being 0.012 inches (0.3 mm) thick. New SWIPE cards have very square edges – which can make it difficult to “wash” the cards on a wood or glass table top, as the cards may have difficulty sliding under or over one another. Playing on a table cloth will solve the “washing” issue and will also stop SWIPE cards sliding off the table top.
  6. Can SWIPE cards be cleaned?
    • SWIPE cards can be cleaned with a little soap and water – remember to separate and dry the cards before using them to play SWIPE or returning them to their tuck box. Black spots can appear on the edges of cards when “washing” and playing on a wooden table. The finish on the table top can wear off and stick to the edges of the cards. The best solution to keeping the cards clean is to play on a table cloth.
  7. Can I play SWIPE with a regular 52 card deck?
    • NO – SWIPE by  uses 3 decks with 56 cards each – but you can make a 52 card deck from a SWIPE deck and play any other card game.
  8. Can I skip a turn?
    • NO – you must play at least 1 card (what would happen if all players skipped a turn?).
  9. Can I pick up the Central Play Pile without playing a card?
    • NO – you must play at least 1 card. The card(s) that is played will determine whether the central play pile must be picked up.
  10. If I play a higher card(s) – do I pick up all the cards in the Central Play Pile?
    • NO – only pick up all other valued cards – the higher card(s) you played stay on the table, along with any cards of equal value already in the Play Pile. These cards start a new Play Pile – exception “4 of a kind”.
  11. Can I play a face-down table card after playing any other card from my combined hand, before declaring the final count?
    • NO – face-down table cards must be played first but cards of similar value can be added from your combined hand before your turn ends.
  12. Can I play more than “4 of a kind”?
    • NO – the maximum of like valued cards is “4 of a kind”.
  13. Can the penalty point values of cards be changed?

    • NO – penalty point values are a fundamental part of the game: Ace=1, 2 to 10 = their face value, court cards=10 and SWIPE=20.

  14. When is the end of a player’s turn?
    • A player’s turn ends when they have played at least 1 card and declared the “total count” – for example “3 kings”.
  15. What happens if a player lays a card(s) but does not immediately declare a “total count”?
    • It is still their turn until they declare the final count – they may change their mind and withdraw any cards laid before they declare the final count.
  16. Can a player add to or change the cards they have played after declaring the the “final count”?
    • NO – a player’s turn ends when they declare the final count – the only change allowed is to correct the “final count” itself – for example if the final count is declared as “2 tens” and the correct count is “3 tens”. See question 18 below for further clarification.
  17. Can a player give a series of final counts – for example when laying their cards one at a time and declare “1 nine”, “2 nines”, “3 nines” after each card is laid?
    • NO – a player can only declare 1 final count – the only change allowed is to correct the final count itself – for example if the final count is declared as “2 tens” and the correct count is “3 tens”. In the above example – the player’s turn would end immediately after playing at least 1 ten and declaring “1 ten” – the player would not be allowed to add any additional cards as their turn had ended. If a player lays 2 tens but declares “1 ten” – that error is to be corrected to “2 tens” – but the player cannot add any more cards after declaring a total.
  18. Can a player change their mind after they turn over a face down table card?
    • NO – once a player turns over a face down table card – the card cannot be withdrawn – the card must be played immediately onto the central play pile, other like valued cards can be added before declaring the “final count”.
  19. What happens if a player lays a jack and a king but declares “2 queens”, for example?
    • In the above case the player must withdraw any cards that do not match the declared number and card value. The player must play a maximum of 2 queens if they can. If the player has completely misspoken and does not have any queens – then all cards laid must be withdrawn to their original positions and the player is allowed to play a new card(s) and hopefully make a correct declaration. Exception – a turned over face-down card cannot be withdrawn.
  20. When a player has laid their last card – does everyone get one last turn?
    • NO – play immediately stops and all other players count their penalty points.
  21. Why is a new SWIPE game box difficult to open the first time?
    • New SWIPE game boxes are factory sealed. The shrink wrap ensures that the game box stays sealed during shipping.  During the shrink wrap process the sides inadvertently get pulled in – making it difficult to open the first time. Once unsealed the sides of the game box will return to their normal position – the box will be easy to open after a few uses.
  22. The question you have is not on this list!!!
    • No Problem – just email us using the contact form and we’ll answer your question promptly. If it helps clarify some of the rules – we’ll add it to the “Frequently asked Questions” list.